The inspiration behind this blog is to document my personal Challenge and Assignment for 2016. The Challenge is to limit myself to a certain aspect of photography each month to better understand my equipment and the processes used to create an image.
Each week I must present at least three images on the blog following a given monthly theme and write a few words about what I have learned, loved or hated about it.
An entire year of challenges could become a little tiring, so for three months I will not restrict anything, although I will still publish three images a week.
Here are some of the themes of the challenge:

My camera will spend a month in Black and White, paying special heed to the interaction of light and shadow. I can reconvert RAW files if I need but all images will be presented in Monochrome.
A Single Lens

For several of the months I shall have only one lens attached, in order to learn how to best use the focal lengths available and in the case of prime lens’ how to see a scene from a different perspective if it does not immediately fit. As of writing my lens collection consists of a fisheye, 18mm, 35mm, 16-50mm, 50-230mm.

As my experience grows I find myself doing less post-processing on many of my images, however I still spend too long sat in front of the computer fixing shots or generally experimenting. I want to see how much I can get right in the camera the first time, so several months will require me to reduce the amount of processing I do (e.g. only using in-camera or tablet) or not do any at all – setting my camera to JPG only.
I have theme ideas for all 9 months of the challenge and right now the theme for January will be “Monochrome”, however if anyone reading this has any ideas I’d love to hear them, please comment below!