This is my final week of black and white, and whilst I don’t have any profound lessons to share it has been an interesting month. At times frustrating as colour can often define an image, but overall my fascination with mono has increased.
To recap, here are the other posts for this month’s challenge:
Week 1: Foggy Horsham Morning
Week 2: Commute
Week 3: Harbour Contrasts

For most of the week the UK was subjected to the last rainy remnants of Storm Juno that had earlier battered the US. However we had a single dry day so I spent a lunch hour wondering around Horsham town centre, a location that I will be revisiting throughout the year, mainly due to the proximity to my office!

Part of the reason behind this blog was to be able to present a coherent series of photographs, and this week perhaps lacks some of this. I’ve never been comfortable taking pictures of strangers and I was the most self-conscious I’ve been in a long time. It took nearly half an hour before I finally clicked the shutter. This is something I hope these challenges will help me overcome.

I’ve always found street photography interesting but never known how to approach it, like most answers in photography I think the key is to just get out there are shoot. So I will be practicing this a lot over the next year.

One final image I wanted to share is one of my favourites taken this month of my daughter. This is straight out of the camera, a testament to the excellent jpegs of Fujifilm cameras.

For February I will be confining myself to a single lens; the fantastic XF 35mm f1.4. Tune in next week for my first post in that series.