Quick Post: Long Exposures & Nik Collection

The first of my April posts is short and sweet. No specific challenge this month but I took a quick trip to Emsworth Beach to try out some long exposure daytime photography with my new ND filter, and used the results to experiment with the now free Nik Collection processing plugins.

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Emsworth in March: Station Black & White

For my March assignment I decided to return to Emsworth Train Station (see my earlier challenge post), this time in daylight.

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Day Out With Thomas

The final week of my March Challenge sees us on another great day out with the kids, this time to see Thomas The Tank Engine at the Watercress Line, also accompanied by Grandparents.

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Alice Holt in Classic Chrome

We paid a visit to Alice Holt Forest in Surrey last weekend to take the kids around The Stick Man Trail (see here). It proved to be an interesting test of my March challenge of only using in-camera processing.

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Finding Stick Man & Gruffalo

The kids are huge fans of the books of Julia Donaldson, particularly The Gruffalo and Stick Man, so they were very excited when we took them to the Stick Man Trail at Alice Holt Forest in Surrey this past weekend.

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Hayling Billy

Last week I made a quick trip to the northern tip of Hayling Island to scout out the Hayling Billy Trail, a walk that follows in the footsteps of the long gone steam train that once carried passengers between the island and mainland.

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